Studio G runs on a nine-month dance year (September to May) with an annual recital in early- to mid-June. Check this page for our yearly calendar, recital information, studio rules, tuition rates, dress code info, and more.
Classes begin Sept. 18
Spirit Week: Oct. 2-7 – Rock your favorite G Wear and studio colors!
Bring a Friend to Class: Week of Oct. 16-19
Halloweek: Oct. 24-30 – Wear your favorite costume to class!
Halloween: Oct. 30 – NO CLASS
Winter Showcase: Dec. 9
Winter Break: Dec. 23-Jan. 1 – NO CLASS
Costume Deposit #2 Deadline: Week of Jan. 15
Recital Withdrawal Deadline: Jan. 18
Spring Break: March 28-April 1 – NO CLASS
(Snow days will be made up during Spring Break, if necessary)Memorial Day: May 27 – NO CLASS
Dance recital: 1st or 2nd week in June
** Recital must be school district approved ** -
The studio has an annual dance recital. Possible dates are the first or second weekend in June. The annual dance recital is NOT required. Students may take classes and opt not to participate in the recital. Please notify the office in writing if your child WILL NOT participate in the recital. A notice will be sent home confirming students’ participation in the annual recital before dance choreography begins. Costumes are required. A deposit of $25 per costume will be due the week of Nov. 7. You can set up an account and make payments on your costumes all year. If you should overpay, this will be credited toward your tuition. A second deposit of $25 per costume will be due the week of Jan. 16. Costumes will NOT be distributed until they are paid in full. Any class withdrawals after Jan. 18 are still responsible for full costume payment.
Classes should be attended regularly. Missed classes can be made up at an alternate time during the week in a comparable class. If a teacher cancels a class, a make-up date will be arranged. We request that parents do not watch classes because it is distracting to the student and space is limited.
• No gum chewing, food or beverages other than water in class.
• No running or rough play.
• Do not disturb instructors or classes in session.
• No swinging, climbing or sitting on ballet barres.
• Label ALL dance shoes, clothing, bags, etc.; the Studio is NOT responsible for lost articles.
• No cell phones, computers or tablets are allowed in the dance studios.
• Hand sanitizer is available for use when entering and exiting the building as well as in all studio rooms.
• Masks are optional.
• Bring your own water bottle.
• No cell phones, computers or tablets are allowed in the dance studios.
Tuition is based on a nine-month dance year (September-May). Tuition is due the first of the month and is payable up to the 10th of that month without penalty. After the 10th, a $10 late fee will be applied to your account. Tuition remains the same whether it is a three-, four- or five-week month, as it is prorated. Each class day will have a minimum of 34 classes a year. Full refund for withdrawals before the first class. The Studio Office must be informed of ALL student withdrawals; otherwise, tuition charges will accrue. Tuition is NOT refunded for missed classes. Registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
To determine tuition, add the total class hours per week for all family members. The total weekly hours reflect the monthly payment.
See “Tuition Pricing” below for our monthly rates.
A discount is available for tuition paid three months or more in advance. Private lessons available upon request for $25 per half hour.
Ask the front desk for details about these special pricings.
Tuition updated 8/12/2024
45 min – $60
1 hr – $70
1 hr 15 min – $80
1 hr 30 min – $90
1 hr 45 min – $100
2 hr – $105
2 hr 15 min – $115
2 hr 30 min – $125
2 hr 45 min – $130
3 hr – $135
3 hr 15 min – $140
3 hr 30 min – $145
3 hr 45 min – $154
4 hr – $161
4 hr 15 min – $168
4 hr 30 min – $175
4 hr 45 min – $182
5 hr – $189
5 hr 15 min – $194
5 hr 30 min – $201
5 hr 45 min – $207
6 hr – $213
Please contact the studio for tuition rates over 6 hours.
A variety of fundraisers are available for all students to use for costumes or other dance expenses. Fundraised money is non-refundable and non-transferable. Funds may be carried over on your account for up to one year.
Information can be found at the studio offices, or join our SGDC Fundraiser Facebook Group.
Ballet | Pointe
- Solid black leotard
- Pink footed/convertible tights
- Pink ballet slippers/pointe shoes
- Hair pulled up in bunTumbling | Hip Hop Flip Flop Creative Movement
- Any color leotard/tank top/crop top
- Shorts/leggings (may be worn over leotard)
- Footless or no tights
- BarefootHip-Hop
- T-shirts/tank tops/crop tops
- Shorts/warm-up pants/leggings
- Tennis shoesTap | Jazz | Lyrical | Musical Theater | Contemporary
- Any color leotard
- Tank top or shorts may be worn over leotard
- NO baggy clothes
- Tan or black tights/dance pants/leggings
- Tap shoes/turning shoes/jazz shoes (if specified)
- Ballet slippers for jazz beginners ONLY -
When you refer your friends to Studio G, a $25 credit will be applied to your account after the new student is here for two months of class. Your referrals are the biggest compliment we can receive, and we certainly appreciate them! There is no limit on the number of referral credits you can receive. Applicable to new student registrations only.
"This studio has taught my daughter time management, confidence, dedication, and to be a part of something bigger than herself, all while making friendships that will last a lifetime. She became passionate about something, and I think we all want our kids to have that in their lives. This studio was the best decision we ever made."
- Lori K., Parent